8 Notable New State Laws Effective July 1st

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8 Notable New State Laws Effective July 1st

July 1 marks when new laws and new budgets become effective in Virginia and our county. There are many new laws, but we have highlighted eight for you to be aware of here (with Virginia House or Senate bill numbers in parentheses if you want to look up more details):

1.) Short-Term Rentals

Airbnb, HomeAway, Flipkey, VRBO and many other websites that enable short-term rentals are increasingly popular nationwide, including in Fairfax County. Virginia state law now gives local governments the authority to require registration for these rentals. The Board of Supervisors is considering proposed zoning regulations that could address issues like where these rentals would be allowed, what types of properties could be rented out and how often they could be rented. We want your feedback. Take this short survey by Aug. 31. (SB 1578)

 Take the Survey

2.) Eligibility to Absentee Vote if Granted Protective Order

You are eligible to vote absentee (in-person or by mail) if you have been granted a protective order issued by a court. (HB 1912)

3.) Disclosure of Name of Minor Who is Victim of Murder

This law requires that if a victim of murder is a minor, written consent must be provided by the victim’s next of kin to law enforcement before the law-enforcement agency may disclose any information that identifies the victim. (HB 2240)

4.) Parental Notification of Bullying Incident

School board policies and procedures on bullying will direct principals to notify the parent of any student involved in an alleged incident of bullying of the status of any investigation within five days of the allegation of bullying. (HB1709)
5.) Photo ID For Concealed Gun Permit

If you apply for a concealed handgun permit you must provide one valid form of government issued photo ID. You no longer have the requirement that the application be made under oath by a notary. (HB 2325)
6.) Public Notice of Planned Tuition Increases by Public Colleges and Universities

Before a governing board of a public institution of higher learning can approve a tuition or mandatory fees increase, the students and the public must be provided a projected range of the planned increase, an explanation of the need for the increase and notice of the date and location of any vote on the increase at least 30 days prior to the vote. (SB 1376)

7.) Rights to Resell Tickets

Anyone who sells tickets to events such as concerts and sporting and theater events is prohibited from issuing the tickets in a way that prevents the ticket buyer from lawfully reselling the ticket on an Internet ticketing platform. (HB 1825/SB 1425)
8.) School Counselors: Mental Health and Behavioral Distress Training

School counselors (seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license) are required to complete training in the recognition of mental health disorder and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide and substance abuse. (SB 1117)

Overview of All State Laws:

Get an overview of all new state laws:

Read 2017 Changes to Virginia’s Laws

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