Architectural Enforcement Procedures

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Architectural Enforcement Procedures

One of the least enjoyed duties of the HOA Board is to enforce the architectural rules against fellow homeowners. However, while it is not enjoyed, it is very necessary to protect all area home values from degradation due to individual actions. During last newsletter’s survey, there were multiple calls for additional enforcement of the rules to ensure upkeep of everyone’s property. In response, the HOA Board conducted a neighborhood review of all homes and identified 88 homes that had some violation. 47 homes had non-functioning gas mantles. The next greatest areas of concern were trash cans or yard bags visible on noncollection days, dead trees or stumps needing removal, commercial vehicles parked in the driveway, and trees/shrubs blocking sidewalks.

To enforce these guidelines, the HOA management company will send one or two advisory letters with the goal that the issue can be corrected quickly with the homeowner’s attention. If those notices are not responded to, the HOA Board will send an invitation via certified mail to the homeowner inviting them to a Board meeting to discuss the issue. Should an arrangement to resolve the issue not be made, the Board may assess a fine of $10-50 per day depending upon the type of violation up to a cap. If the assessment is not paid, the Board may consider collection, garnishment, and civil legal action and in the rarest of cases, the Board does have the authority to initiate foreclosure of a home to collect an assessment.

If you have concerns about properties in the community that may have an architectural violation that should be investigated, please contact Dan at or 703-707-6404; Rob at; or Eric at

New Tennis Court Policy
July 11, 2016
Gas Mantles
July 11, 2016