Fairfax County Operating Status

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Fairfax County Operating Status

Updated as of April 6, 2020: New information is highlighted in yellow.

  • Fairfax County Government Buildings: Fairfax County will close all government buildings and facilities to the public starting Friday, March 27, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., until further notice. However, the county government remains open for business online and by phone and mail. Some specific public services may continue to be provided in-person as determined necessary by county agencies and employees will continue to be able to access these facilities. A full list of online service can be found on the county’s Assistance from a Distance webpage
  • Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS): Details
    • All FCPS schools are closed through the end of the academic year in June.
    • All extracurricular programs, athletic programs, and community use activities are cancelled through the remainder of the academic year. 
    • Food distribution at FCPS sites will continue as scheduled. 
    • Access to School Buildings and Grounds:
      • At this time families and students have not been given approvals for pick-up of nonessential items.
      • Fields and grounds are closed until further notice. 
  • Fairfax County Park Authority: Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., all Fairfax County Park Authority parks and amenities will be closed to the public until further notice. Park Authority closures include: parking lots, athletic fields, sport courts, restrooms, nature centers, visitor centers, golf courses, historic sites, picnic areas, playgrounds, amusements, boat launches, skate parks, off-leash dog areas, outdoor fitness equipment, and any areas for open recreation. Trails will remain open for individual use, but not group use. All social distancing recommendations are in effect. Details including answers to access questions are available in the Park Authority’s FAQs .
  • Courts: Details
    • Circuit Court – The Circuit Court continues to postpone non-essential, non-emergency proceedings through Monday, April 27, 2020.
    • General District Court – The Fairfax City and Fairfax County General District Courts have now postponed most dockets through Thursday, April 30, 2020, except for bonds, arraignments, emergency motions, protective orders, and attorney courts.
    • Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court – While this court continues to operate on a limited docket, it is extending its COVID procedures and policies through at least Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
  • Libraries: All Fairfax County Public Library full-service locations will be closed until further notice. Due dates for all physical materials will continue to be extended to ensure that no late fees accrue while FCPL branches are closed. Please help FCPL by keeping your materials while the library is closed. For details, click here.
  • Office of Elections: The Office of Elections will remain open for business during its regular office hours as required for voter registration and by mail absentee application and ballot processing. Voter registration applications and absentee ballot requests will continue to be processed by the county’s Office of Elections staff and in-person absentee voting is available, curbside only, and only at the Government Center. Voters should call 703-222-0776  upon arriving and materials will be brought out.
  • Solid Waste Management:
    • Changes to Solid Waste Collection Requirements in Fairfax County – These changes apply to all private haulers and county collection customers.
      • The requirement to collect yard waste is suspended.
      • The 30-day prior notice requirements for change of collection schedule or services is suspended. Collectors must still notify customers and the county as soon as possible if changes in schedule are being made.
    • Purple Can Club (Glass Recycling): Collection of glass dropped off at purple, glass-only containers is suspended. Containers will be removed from existing locations throughout Fairfax County. Residents can bring glass to containers at the I-66 transfer station.
    • I-66 and I-95 Landfill: Operating hours are now limited. Facilities will open to the general public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Administrative buildings are closed.
    • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and E-Waste (computers, monitors) Facilities : Open at the I-66 transfer station; closed at the I-95 landfill complex.
    • Secure Document Shredding Events: Secure document shredding events are postponed until further notice.
    • There are additional changes to county collection operations, requirements for private haulers (90% of the county) and recycling programs. Details
  • Senior Centers and Adult Day Health Care Centers: Effective immediately, all Fairfax County Senior Centers and Adult Day Health Care Centers are closed to participants until further notice.
  • Community Centers/Neighborhood Centers/Resource Centers and Teen Centers: Effective immediately, NCS Community Centers/Neighborhood Centers/Resource Centers and Teen Centers are closed to participants until further notice.
  • Fairfax County Virginia Career Works Centers: All centers are closed until further notice. Details
  • School Aged Child Care (SACC): SACC centers will be closed until further notice. SACC will not offer any spring break services as previously planned. 
  • Animal Shelter: Return-to-owner of stray pets, stray intake, and surrenders continue on an appointment-only basis. Most programs, classes and the April 5 low-cost rabies vaccination clinic have been cancelled. Adoptions have been paused while they determine how they can safely proceed. Details

For more information, click here.

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