From the Editor…

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From the Editor…

With regret, I announce that this is my 28th and last Armfield Farm Connection that I will be editing for our neighborhood. While our family will continue to be owners in Armfield Farm, work will relocate us for a few years so I won’t be able to sense the pulse of the community necessary to do this role.

In 2009, I asked how I could get more involved with the community and Rob Shear offered this opportunity. Since then, and greatly aided by social media, the HOA Board put together a strategy to connect owners and residents to the association, each other, and the community at large. Currently we have over 400 people connected via our Facebook site, a Twitter account beginning to take stride, and a refreshed webpage coming on line.

So the HOA Board is looking for a new Communications Committee chair to compose the newsletter, be engaged with County and Sully organizations, and use social media/ website to disseminate information to a broad audience. If you are interested, please contact Rob at to learn more.

Best wishes,
Michael Hanson

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