Presidents Message (Spring Edition)

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Presidents Message (Spring Edition)

Happy Spring everyone! Our annual community meeting will be held on Thursday, May 26th at 6:45 pm at Franklin Middle School. We will use electronic voting again this year. You will receive information in the mail for proxy voting with the link and code to eVote. You will still be able to return a paper ballot if you prefer, but eVoting increases the number of homes that participate. The system is being reset this year so everyone will need to re-register with the eVoting site. We have had great success making quorum in the past few meetings and I would like to keep our streak going!

We have made a number of improvements at the pool this year. We ordered all new pool chairs, tables and umbrellas. In addition to that, we have installed new sinks, mirrors and countertops in both the men’s and women’s bathrooms. They look great and are a huge improvement over the 30-year-old builder’s grade sinks.

We are considering a number of capital improvements in the coming years. Please take the time to respond to our survey so we can hear your voice to help us prioritize.

Now that the snow has melted it’s time to start thinking about getting our lawns ready for the season. Most homeowners in our community take a lot of pride in their lawns, but it only takes a few to make a whole street look shabby. Please take the time to keep your beds weeded and lawns mowed. We have a number of lawn companies listed in this newsletter if you are too busy to handle it yourself.

Pool season is right around the corner. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Rob Shear
President, Armfield HOA

Social committee report
May 26, 2016