Sully District 2018 Paving & Restriping Meeting

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Sully District 2018 Paving & Restriping Meeting

Sully District 2018 Paving & Restriping Meeting
The Virginia Department of Transportation and Fairfax County Department of Transportation will host a community information meeting to discuss this year’s paving and restriping efforts in the Sully District on Wednesday, January 31, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., in the Richard Frank Community Room of the Sully Governmental Center (4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA 20151). The meeting provides residents with an opportunity to speak directly with road engineers and transportation planners about the repaving program, proposed striping changes and general traffic safety concerns. Information about repaving and restriping in the Sully District will be on display in an open house format, with a presentation at 7:30 p.m.

Community members are invited to give feedback on general traffic safety concerns regarding roads scheduled for repaving, as well as the proposed striping changes, at the meeting or via the Sully District page through Saturday, February 17, 2018.

For more information on the 2018 Paving and Restriping Program, visit The Sully District information page, located at maps, sample photos, the proposed list of roads being considered for paving, and link to a comment submission form.

Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need this information in an alternate format or would like to request reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency for events, contact FCDOT at 703-877-5600, TTY 711. Requests for assistance must be received at least 7 business days in advance of an event.

A message from Kathy Smith
January 20, 2018
Trails & Sidewalk Committee
January 20, 2018